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2 Physical Signs Your Car's Battery Is Going Bad And Needs To Be Replaced ASAP

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When you own a vehicle, you probably know at least some of the signs that the battery is going dead, such as difficulty starting or hearing a clicking noise while trying to turn the engine over. You may even know that if the lights start to dim that it is probably getting close to time to install a new one.

However, while these signs do indicate that the battery is going bad, there are also other signs that you can find when you look at it. Below are a couple of physical indicators that the battery is going bad and should be replaced as soon as possible.

1.  Post Terminals on the Battery Are Corroded

One physical sign that indicates that your car's battery should be replaced sooner rather than later is the presence of corrosion on the post terminals. When there is corrosion on the terminals, a solid current cannot be made, and it can interfere with your car's electrical system.

However, electrical interference is not the only worry when you find corroded terminals. Since these posts are not prone to rust, the corrosion is usually caused by battery acid that is leaking out onto them. If the battery acid is leaking, the entire battery has suffered a catastrophic failure, and it needs to be replaced before it completely stops working and leaves you stranded.

2.  Battery Body Has a Bulge and/or Appears Misshapen 

Another sign that indicates the need to replace your vehicle's batter as soon as possible is when it starts to take on an odd shape. There may be a bulge in the side, or there could be sections that appear concaved.

When you see this misshapen appearance, one or more of the cells within the battery have been damaged. Because the current will build up and push outward, there is a chance that the battery could explode, causing massive damage to the engine.

If you visually inspect your car's battery and find that the posts are covered with corrosion and/or its body no longer has straight, rigid lines, do not wait to replace it. You run the risk of being stranded without a way to recharge it, or you could wind up with severe engine damage if it were to explode. As soon as possible, visit an auto parts store in your area that sells automotive batteries and let the representative know your car's year, make, and model so that they can show you available replacement options.
